The Japanese Merchant vessel "Shoun Maru" before the war.
Owner: Matsuoka Steamship, Kobe, Japan (The same owner of SHOUAN MARU sunk at Saipan)
Constructed at Hibi, Okayama Prefecture in June 1941. Lost at Rota 24 June 1944.
Length 113.1m / Width 15.8m / Depth 9.0m / 7,189 dwt / 4,396 gt / Steam reciprocating engine / 2,300 HP / 12.0 knots
Last voyage chartered by Navy. Left Yokohama, Japan for Saipan & Guam on 29 May 1944.
Attacked and damaged in the west of Saipan 12 June 1944.
Attacked, by 300 aircraft. Under repair at Rota on 24 June. Sank by two torpedoes, 6 crew were killed.
Photo and information provided by Captain Masahiko Taneichi of Japan
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