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The Rota Cave Museum

The museum itself is housed in a cave that is said to be approximately 10 million years old and is worth a visit in itself. From the entrance to the rear of cave it is about 250 feet in length and your path is lined with artifacts that span the ages, from the ancient Chamorro, with a few items from the Spanish intrusion to many Japanese & American pieces mostly from the WWII era.

This is a great opportunity to view artifacts from Rota's history and if your lucky owners Matais or Mercedes will be on hand to answer any questions you may have and can tell you the story or weave you a tale on every piece in their collection.

Also adjacent to the museum is a hiking trail that winds its way up to the cliff line above the cave itself. Interested parties can call if they would like to make an appointment/arrangement for the Cave Museum or the hiking trail.

Home of the Rota Cave Museum Welcome to the Rota Cave Museum Photo-Collection of Japanese plates and bowls Sake bottles Photo-Several ampoules of morphine Brass Clavos Japanese Glass Fishing Floats Ancient Chamorro stone fishing sinkers Ancient Chamorro Sling Stones Ancient Chamorro clay pottery Ancient Chamorro speartips Japanese 20mm AA Gun Remains of a Japanese airplane engine Train wheels from a sugarcane train Rare Blue Glass Japanese Fishing Floats

Open by reservation
Located approx. 1 mile out of Songsong Village.
Entry Fee: $10.00 for Adults & $3.00 for Children

Contact: Matais or Mercedes Taisacan
Rota Cave Museum / P.O. Box 1214 / Rota, MP 96951
Tel: 1-670-532-9253 / E-mail: Rota Cave Museum

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Dive Rota, P.O. Box 941, Rota MP 96951
E-mail: mark@diverota.com

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