Sign on the main village road
Sign at the turn - Right
The Songsong Village Lookout sits up on the cliff line above the north end of the village itself allowing peace and quiet with a great view of the "Wedding Cake" mountain, the east and west sides
of the island, the entire village, the Pacific ocean to the east, the Philippine Sea to the west and on a clear day Guam to the south.
This is a nice place to enjoy peace and quiet or maybe a picnic lunch with a bottle of wine or drink of your choice.
To get there going out of the village on the main road, bear off to the right before the former Mobil gas station (Now abandoned) - there is a sign - follow the road up and around to the right until
you can go no farther. Coming into Songsong Village make a left, right after the abandoned former Mobil gas station and follow the road up and around to the right.
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